Cinderella Word Search Puzzles

Cinderella Word Search Puzzles

Our set of cinderella word search puzzles is a great way to take yourself to those good old days of watching one of your favorite shows i.e Cinderella. The show is all about a princess’s struggles, whose mother died and then father got remarried. She has got a stepmother and two wicked sisters who always try to belittle her and treats her as a slave. One fine day, her angel mother makes her dreams come true in certain ways.

These word search puzzles with cinderella as their themes can be used for conducting a few fun and interesting activities for your students at school or your children. The level of difficulty for each puzzle is easy to intermediate. All you have to do print them out, sharpen your pencil, find the hidden words, and circle them in the grids to differentiate your answers from the rest of the grid.

Cinderella Character Names Word Search Puzzles

Here is a word search puzzle designed using the character names in the story of Cinderella. Find all of them and prove to us that you were a cinderella buff when you were a kid. The words hidden in the grid are Alex, bingo, Catherine, chuchu, cinderella, Isabelle, Jeanne, king, Misha, pallette, pappy, Paulette, prince Charles, Wanda, Zaral. The words are hidden in all directions.


You must have found all the words but the answer key for the puzzle is here for you in case you need it.



Cinderella Word Search 1

Here is a cinderella themed word search puzzle with 20 words hidden in the grid. The words are hidden in all directions, including in the reverse direction. look for the words in all directions like Prince Charles searches for cinderella!! The words you need to hunt for are slipper, heroine, duff, Rodgers, stepmother, Anastasia, cinder, wand, Disney, Juliet, gown, Grimm, princess, lucifer, Walt, mermaid, pantomime, dwarf, stamp.


The answer key for the same is attached here.


Cinderella Word Search 2

Here is a word search puzzle designed with 20 words related to cinderella hidden in a grid. Find all the words in order to finish solving this puzzle. Watch out for the words hidden in all directions. The words hidden in the grid are bedaubed, coachman, godmother, jestingly, pinner, sister, unciviled, cinderella, collation, headdress, pumpkin, slipper, wand, citron, dapplegrey, ironed, mouse-colored, scoop out, stomacher.



The solution for the puzzle is here in case you need it.


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