Free Printable Sudoku

Free Printable Sudoku

Enjoy a little brain exercise with our free collection of printable sudokus. The name Sudoku comes from Japan with Su (meaning ‘number’) and Doku (meaning ‘single’) but it was not invented in Japan. Sudoku originated in Switzerland and then traveled to Japan by way of America.

Rules Of Sudoku:

Most people are familiar with the basic rules of sudoku, but just in case you are new to the game, here is a brief outline.

A standard Sudoku consists of a 9×9 grid, subdivided into 9 3×3 squares. Every 3×3 square, every row, and every column contains each of the numbers 1-9 exactly once. This means a completed Sudoku is also a Latin Square.

Sudoku size can vary, although the 9 by 9 grid is by far the most widely published. Smaller grids are of course generally more easy to solve. These puzzles come in a number of different styles as well, each with slightly varying rules.

Tips To Solve Sudoku:

  1. Be conscious of not repeating the numbers.
  2. Do not guess! That’s a bummer.
  3. Use the process of elimination as a tactic.
  4. Use cross-hatching and penciling-in techniques to solve the puzzle.

Let’s jump right in and pick a favorite to tickle those neurons with something new. All of these printable sudokus are fun!

Sudoku For Kids

sudoku for kids

sudoku for kids solution

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