Thanksgiving Word Scramble

Thanksgiving Word Scramble

Word scramble is a type of word puzzle where a few words are taken and the letters in those words are jumbled. You need to reset those jumbled letters and form words to solve the puzzles. These word scramble puzzles are based on the thanksgiving theme.

Thanksgiving day is that the day once a ship named Mayflower brought many English families from England to New World, America back in 1620. A number of the destinations were towns named Plymouth, Massachusetts, etc. The history of thanksgiving is attention-grabbing.

These Thanksgiving Word Scrambles could be a great way to teach your kids or students a little more about the history of the thanksgiving celebration. These word scrambles are suitable for all age groups. Make sure to try them and lead your imagination to another level to explore more about the Thanksgiving feast.

Thanksgiving Word Scramble 1

There are eleven words used in this word scramble. Make sure to solve this and remind yourself to be thankful for things that happened for your good. This could be a Thanksgiving word scramble simply in time to induce you within the mood for celebrating. First, unscramble the words then unscramble the secret message hidden in the solution. This word scramble is suitable for third, fourth, fifth, sixth grades.

Thanksgiving Word Scramble

Here is the solution for the thanksgiving word scramble above. Use this to cross-check your unscrambled words. And do not forget to find out the secret message hidden in the unscrambled words.

Thanksgiving Word Scramble Solution

Thanksgiving Word Scramble 2

We were almost ready for the Thanksgiving feast when a turkey burst upon the scene and jumbled up some things in this puzzle. Let your kids or students help us unscramble the vocabulary used in this puzzle and get things in place before we get together for the celebration. This can be a great way to teach your kids a little more about the Thanksgiving celebration and the purpose of the thanksgiving feast.

There are 16 words scrambled in this thanksgiving word scramble. Find them all and check for the answers.

Thanksgiving Word Scramble 2

The solutions for all the 16 words scrambled in this puzzle are here. Check this out in case you get stuck.

Thanksgiving Word Scramble 2 Solution

You don’t have to stop your enjoyment here. Check out these puzzle packages, try solving them, and continue to increase your fun and knowledge of the celebration of thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Word Search

Thanksgiving Crossword

Thanksgiving Cryptogram

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