The Lion King Word Puzzles

The Lion King Word Puzzles

The Lion King is a story crafted by Disney Movies, all about a lion cub named Simba, the successor of his father lion, Mufasa. The story tells you a lot about Simba’s struggles as an adult to take back his throne as an heir, which was taken over by his crooked uncle Scar a long time ago. The throne was abducted by Scar when he executed a plot made by himself to lure Mufasa and baby Simba into a stampede of buffaloes in the forests they are living in successfully. After a long time, Simba returns to the forest as an adult with a plan to take his throne back from Scar. He could do it only with the help of his friends Timon and Pumba.

The takeaway from the story of The Lion King is that of love that was showered on him by his mother and family members, the friendship which helped him take back his throne by defeating Scar, and the hope that he had to take care of the forest. Its members as his father did once upon a time.

Here are a few fun activities related to The Lion King. These puzzles are free and easily printable. You can use them just for having fun or as worksheets to teach your kids or students about the lessons that the lion king had to give to us. More such interesting word puzzles are coming soon!!

The Lion King Word Search

Here is a word search puzzle featuring 15 character names in the story ” The Lion King.” Find them all and circle the names hidden in the puzzle to differentiate your answers from the rest of the grid. The names are arranged in all directions, including in reverse. The words hidden for you to hunt for are sarabi, kiara, rafiki, simba, banzai, scar, pumbaa, nala, mufasa, gopher, zazu, timon, shenzi, kovu, sarafina.

The Lion King Disney Puzzle 1

Mufasa is here with lion king character names word search answers for you to check if your answers are correct.

The Lion King Disney Puzzle 1 Solution

Hakuna Matata Song Lyrics Word Search ( The Lion King )

Hakuna Matata!! ( Hakuna Matata is a phrase used in a language used in east Africa, which means NO WORRIES ). We picked 15 words from the song lyrics of “Hakuna Matata” from “The Lion King” and used them to design an engaging and interesting word search puzzle for you to light up your boring weekend. You can use it as a fun activity with your fam bam, or you can use them as a worksheet for your children or students at school to teach them the meaning and take away from the song.

The words are arranged in all directions. Watch out for the words hidden in the reverse direction. The words hidden in the grid are philosophy, worries, Hakuna, Matata, aroma, ashamed, downhearted, downwind, passing, problem-free, savannah, sensitive, thickskinned, warthog, wonderful.

The lion King Disney Puzzle 2

Well, Hakuna Matata again!! We have provided you the Hakuna Matata song lyrics word search answers in case you get stuck.

The Lion King Disney Puzzle 2 Solution

The Lion King Sentence Scramble Puzzle

No doubt! The Lion King is full of inspiration in life. Here is a scramble sentence puzzle based on the collection of dialogues from The Lion King. Why wait? Get inspired!


Found that one gibberish? Here are The Lion King scramble puzzle answers. Just check out…


Here are more puzzles for you: Zootopia Word Puzzles, Tarzan Word Puzzles

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